40 Day Meditation Challenge

40 Day Meditation Challenge for Parents

40 Days, Every Day, Parenting – and Meditation.

Possible? Yes!

Can meditation really benefit you?

Double yes!

How can a daily practice help your parenting?

Find out when you join the 40 Day Meditation Challenge for Parents.

I could list a bunch of benefits to try and convince you (some of which you can find here), but I’ll be sharing some throughout the challenge and I don’t want you to take my word for it anyway. Experience is much more effective.

How can you participate?

First, choose a daily goal – five minutes or ten, meditate once a day or twice, maybe to be mindful when you feel reactive and get a few minutes of space when that happens, meditate each morning or evening (or both). Whatever works for you and you want to maintain for the forty days.

Listen to the welcome audio (less than five minutes)right click here to download or click to listen now.

Then choose from the options below…

  1. Join the challenge group on Facebook for the daily meditation announcements and support with other parents who are participating. The challenge was originally in April-May 2015, but you can still access everything in the group and I check-in occasionally.
  2. If making a financial contribution is meaningful to you (in other words, money = commitment and you’ll actually participate every day for 40 days if you pay for the support to do so), feel free to make a contribution of whatever amount suits you with the PayPal button below.
  3. Download the audios below and listen to one each day for 40 days (or when works for you).

I look forward to supporting you as you incorporate meditation into your parenting and life experience. If you have any questions along the way, please contact me.

Take gentle care,

Paypal Payment Button

Thanks for joining the challenge. Here you will find the audios for each day of the challenge and a few other helpful resources at the bottom of the page. Right click to download the audios or click to listen here. Challenge audios are available to download today, and will be made into a paid email course in the future.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
–Victor Frankl

Challenge Audios


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